Our Aira Foundation Members

I always had an intention of seeing some change in the society

instead of waiting for someone to start, I thought why shouldn’t I be the person who can take an initiation.

Do you know our Mission & Vision ?

Mission and Vision Content


India, the second largest populated country with agriculture as its backbone, accounting 7.68 percent of total global agricultural output with Contribution of Agriculture sector in Indian economy

Indian society

With in the rural economies of such areas the poor agronomic potential links with the limited opportunities for livelihood diversification. This is compounded by weak infrastructure and remoteness and by social.

vision towards serving the society

Since my childhood I have been observing the life struggle of the poor and helpless and wanted to find a solution for this. At first I thought of joining in other social service foundations to help /serve the society


Orphans are the children who don’t have their parents or they are permanently abandoned by them.wanted to find a solution for this. At first I thought of joining in other social service foundations to help /serve the society